Monday, June 2, 2008

D is for...

Decision Making...Well it has come into my thoughts that Oklahoma Christian is not right for me. I understand that some will be dissapointed and some will be happy but it just isn't the right place for me. Changing schools in my academic career has become to be a repetitive occuring event and yes this will be adding to that list. But I am transferring back home to Wichita State University. I want to be closer to my parents honestly and I have good influential friends here as well. My spiritual life really did suffer at Oklahoma Christian as unreal as that sounds. I just didn't get the right surroundings or vibe from others at OC. Here in Kansas I have began to really get along and make a lot better friends with the Young Professionals/College class at Eastpoint. I just truely think that being back here in Wichita will help my Spiritual life and will help me to focus on my studies more so that I wont fail anymore or slack off and make bad grades.
So therefore my D is decision making because it has become to overtake my life. This will hopefully be the last college I attend and will graduate from. Thats all for now...I have an eye doctor appointment soon but I wanted to let you all know about my decision.

Choose always the way that seems the best, however rough it may be. Custom will soon render it easy and agreeable.

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