That was our whole cabin! Lauren and I were counselors together! It was awesome! I really miss her too! Awww little miss Isabella! She was adorable!
And miss Lena! These girls were amazing! These were just a few of them! All of the others were adorable too but Like i said...can't overflow you with pictures! Oh and BTW...Lena is totally wearing my clothes right there! haha! She didn't have mud clothes so I let her borrow some! YEAH!
Now, on to my cruise! Day 1 - Was just the a long flight it was! 8 1/2 hours going there! We watched two movies! The bad thing was that we left at 10 A.M. one day and got to Rome about 6 A.M. the next day! So sleeping was a problem! We finally got to the boat around 9 or so because we had to go through Customs and get our baggage etc...Talk about having a PikePass right? In italy they had a 'Telepass' lol!
Day 2 - We took a tour to Taormina and Castlemola on the Island of Sicily! It was pretty awesome! We shopped around the town for awhile! I saw some interesting things. There were mimes on the streets just standing in some form trying to get people to give them money! Here's one that is pretty cool!
See his little can? And anytime someone would put a coin in he would change positions....the funny thing was that we met these 3 people from england! 2 older ladies and one's husband! They were adorable! One of the ladies kept catching me with my jaw dropped just looking at this guy! He was impressively adorable?! His tie stayed like that too! Never moved!
We also went to Castlemola, Sicily on the first day! This was the castle! It was so high! Check out the view in this next pictureAnd this is the little restaurant that we had a snack at as well in Castlemola!
Next - Day 2! We went to Valletta, Malta! It was pretty amazing! The walls there are so cool! And yes they did it...drove on the wrong side of the road! And the cars were backwards! lol! Totally unreal to me!
Do you see it! The steering wheel! It's on the wrong side! AHHH!!! lol! Just thought I would prove it to you!Check out the walls! They are pretty cool! Just picture it...the whole town looked like this! Totally reminds you of the Old Testament! Like I don't know how everyone else pictures the old testament in their heads but this is what I see...this type of city! It was crazy!
Speaking of the bible! Remember in Acts when Paul was shipwrecked on the island of Malta around 79 AD? Well it actually wasn't the island of Malta itself or at least not today..because this island right called 'St.Paul's Island' its the actual place where he was shipwrecked. You can see on the left side of the picture that it is really close to Malta so at one point it could have been connected but there she be...the actual island he was shipwrecked! Talk about the bible coming to life right??
Another thing about Malta was the castles! Check out the domes in the background! And all the boats in the picture! This was just a marina! Totally packed with boats! It was awesome!
These were vineyards in Malta! They were everywhere! I couldn't believe how much wine was produced! It was pretty cool to see all the vineyards!
Day 3 - Dubrovnik, Croatia!
Look at the waterfall in this pic! We went to this cute little restaurant and this was the scenery! The whole entire place was hott and dry but we went down into this restaurant and look at the water! Beatiful I must say!
The coolest part was that the town had a drawbridge! Do you see it in this picture? It was so cool! lol!This is a picture of inside the town! Lets just say in the 'old town' there was no grass! lol! Outside the 'old town' city walls there is an entire city added onto the old part of town and that has grass and everything else but inside the huge city walls there is none! lol!
Day 4 - Pompeii & Sorrento! So on the second coolest day we camera died! lol! So I will have to add pictures of these two towns later! My mom took lots and I'll get them from her!
Day 5 - We were at sea! Didn't stop at any ports! My mom and I enjoyed our time at the spa and just relaxed all day! It was amazing! lol!
Day 6 - Livorno & Pisa, Italy! Yep I climbed it! I climbed the leaning tower of pisa! It's awesome! It leaned so far over! I totally almost fell on the steps because they kept leaning and getting smaller and smaller! Here's some pictures of us climbing the tower!
Isn't she a beauty?At the top just before we reached the highest part of the tower their were bells all around!
Within the field of miracles which is were the leaning tower sits there is a baptistry, a hospital, a cathedral, museums, and lots of little shops. Above is a picture of the baptistry!
This is the cathedral that we went in! It was humongous!!! I was so impressed with all of the architecture!
Inside the cathedral they made the women wear those blue things to cover our shoulders for respect and the men had to take off their hats!
Well That is about all the pictures I am going to post for now! i might put some more up there later but for now this post has gotten way tooo long! Hope you enjoyed this post! It took awhile to make! lol! This quote is exactly what I missed while I was in Italy!
'Home is not where you live, but where they understand you'