Monday, November 1, 2010

One Month To The Day...

My skills are pretty good when I can post to my blog exactly one month from each post!

So here's the deal...I've had a colonoscopy, a small bowel x-ray, and a CT scan...and NOTHING! I'm just getting frustrated with doctors! I am getting my gall bladder checked out to make sure that that is in good orders because another doctor told me about his past and apparently he used to sweat GREEN! And it turned out to be his gall bladder and then he stopped sweating green! So I'm going to get it checked out and if that is fine...i'm giving up!! I am honestly tired of all the tests and doctors appointments and the looks from doctors that says "You are just looking for a disease" because I'm not! Why would I want to go to the doctor so much? I mean honestly!

On the other hand....I'm having a really hard time in other parts of my life. My roommate is the biggest slob ever. I don't understand why she can't clean up her mess...its almost unbearable how bad it is! And honestly, I'm not the cleanest person but I don't leave laundry piles on the couch for two weeks...or dishes in the sink for a week...or the same plate with leftover food on it on the coffee table for a week! Half empty glasses of pop? Open cookie containers?...I don't understand why she can't respect my space! I mean we SHARE the house...I feel like I should be paying for a one bedroom apartment because that is almost the only space I have!

I'm losing a lot of things in my life right now...from the previous paragraph, i'm losing my best friend....i'm losing my mom....i'm losing my ambition in life...i'm pretty much losing my mind in all aspects! I don't want to go into too much detail on all of this but seriously i'm losing it!

Prayers are always requested in my posts so yet again I would love any prayers sent in to the north...


Brooke Haynie said...

I'm praying for you Myra! Sometimes we have ups and downs in life. The downs are good because then we rely on God. He loves you and he will get you through this if you ask him! I promise sooner than later you can look back on this time and see how God pulled you out of it and how much he loves you! These scriptures always help me through the hard times. Love you girl!

You heard my cry for mercy when I called to you for help... Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord. (Psalm 31:22,24)

Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous fall. (Psalm 55:22)

Look at the birds in the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they??? (Mathew 6:26)

The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble. (Psalms 9:9)

You are my lamp O Lord; the Lord turns my darkness into light. (2 Samuel 22:29)

Susan said...

I love you my sweet niece! God is working in you and through you. Be still and know that he is Lord. Trust in Him and turn to Him in all you do. Cast your burdens at his feet. This too shall pass, and you will come out of this trial and stronger, better person. Uncle E.D. and I love, love, love you! Hope to see you soon!